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发布时间:2021-05-31 14:19:04点击量:


Forging copper relief (also known as chiseling or tapping copper) is a carving process based on the ductility of copper materials. It is a wonderful flower among the traditional handicrafts in China. Bronze relief has a history of thousands of years, almost throughout the history of human civilization.



Relief brass carving is a new trend in the development of human spiritual civilization, which has a related background and social needs. The society of different times presents different faces and characteristics. The scale and openness of the contemporary development of relief brass carving space form determines that it is a popular and open art in the field of plastic arts.



Facing the new cultural living environment of human beings, modern sculptors are thinking about the relief brass carving creation. Their ideas go beyond the framework of the performance interface and jump in the overall architectural space and environment. Especially the outdoor relief existing in large-scale public buildings or commemorative space urges sculptors to excavate the deep connotation of time and space in the environment. The so-called development of the times and society must be reflected in the wishes of the public, so the existence and development of relief sculpture can not be desired by itself. Relief brass sculpture acts on the space where people live by creating imagination, and makes "space" a specific "place" by combining with other factors in a specific way.
